Our Mission
HE’S COMING Broadcasting Network is a Faith Based supporting ministry ,dedicated to sharing God’s love and Christs’ imminent return throughout the world through television, radio, and the internet in urgency.
Purely run by volunteers, we believe in the joy of sacrifice when involved in God’s work which, will also mold our individual characters to be like that of Christ.
Our Vision
HE’S COMING Broadcasting Network envisions to hasten Jesus Christ’s second coming by involving thousands of lay people developing ways to extend God’s work in this world through different media.
The vision pictures health, education, present truth, end time messages to reach the unreached and unreachable including the Muslims, while working in media centers in country setting while time allows.
Core Ministry Beliefs
The Bible is God’s Word, and the foundation and test of all teachings and practices.
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and is man’s only Savior.
It is the Holy Spirit that convicts and converts people to the truth.
Salvation is a free gift. By believing on Jesus Christ and accepting the grace of His shed blood, we receive the gift of eternal life.
By receiving God’s free gift, He not only pardons us of all our sins but cleanses us from all unrighteousness, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. 1 John 1:9; Ephesians 4:13
Bible prophecy reveals that we are living in the last days and that Jesus is soon to return.
The Bible provides lifestyle principles so that believers by example, can rightly represent their Lord in recreation, entertainment, dress, relationship, and healthful living.
The Spirit of Prophecy is an authoritative source of instruction, comfort, and warning. Revelation 19:10, Revelation 14:12; 2 Chronicles 20:20
When God’s Love fills our hearts, we spend time with Him through prayer and Bible study. Furthermore, we become passionate for souls willing to give up all that we have and all that we are. Freely we have received freely we give.
We believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is God’s remnant church and will support and uphold its principles, organization, and leadership.